All the Emotions

Feeling all the emotions now that this one is turning one in under two weeks

It’s wonderful being able to look back over the year and know we’ve really made the most of it but even as I look back on our mountain of memories I’m blown away by how fast time is flying. My Nan warned me Leo would grow right in front of my eyes and I’d never see it. She’s right. Suddenly he’s twice the size he was, he’s becoming his own little person and there’s a toddler staring back at me where my baby was just weeks ago It’s the best problem to have even if it brings a tear to my eye

I’ve been having a huge declutter this afternoon. You know that room where you shove everything you want hidden from sight? Well ours is so chock FULL you can’t even see the floor and it’s been playing on my mind for months now. The aim is to make it a cosy space where Leo can play freely and I can set up my little work nook again

Doesn’t it feel good to have a clear out?!


Happy World Breastfeeding Week


Thornham Walks